
■ Package : 1box 10lenses
■ Wearing period : Daily Disposal
■ BC : 8.7mm
■ Power : ±0.00, -0.50~-5.00(0.25step), -5.50~-8.00(0.50step)
■ COLOR : Lady Chocolat、Sweet Amber、Classy Beige、Cinnamon Nude、Bitter Tiara、Feminine Peach、Tenshi no Namida、Awayuki Usagi、Hoshikuzu Candy、Mangetsu Pancake
※TSUBASA HONDA produce color:Hoshikuzu Candy、Mangetsu Pancake
■ DIA : 14.2mm
■ Coloring DIA : 13.6mm、13.4mm(Mangetsu Pancake)、13.3mm(Hoshikuzu Candy)
■ Water Content : 42.5%
■ Effect : UVcut(UV-A approx83%, UV-B approx98%cut), MPCpolymer(Moisture constituent Combinationj
■ Sales source : AISEI Co.,Ltd.
■ Manufacturing vendor : Aire Inc.
■ Medical equipment approval number : 22600BZX00273A12
■ Category : Highly advanced controlled medical devices (made in Taiwan)
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Reviewer: 是猫猫啊
★★★★★ 为小翅膀打call
Post date : 6/12/2023 Wednesday
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